Sefar filter solutions for Bag House Filters
Our pleated elements for bag house filters offer an increased filtration area and provide an improved filtration efficiency compared to conventional filter bags of the same diameter. Sefar X-series is dedicated for the use in demanding, high temperature applications such as drying, micronizing and oxidation in the titanium dioxide pigment beneficiation process.
Fabrication solutions
The X-600 is a unique, patented, pleated filter used in finishing of titanium dioxide pigment and other applications.
It surpasses the performance of any regular bags on the market and can increase service life by more than 100%. Outstanding results of 54 months have been shown for product lifetime. This represents the longest lifetime for any micronizer bag house lifetime in the world.
This success is mainly due to a heavy duty assembly, using the Sefar patented aluminum potting system to seal the end caps. The larger surface area from the pleats of the X-600, as compared to conventional bags, allows for significantly increased productivity and lifetime.
Pleated Cartridge X-600

Increased air flow and superior efficiency
Filter media technology
The new pleated cartridges resist high temperatures and have almost three times the surface area of other filter bags of the same diameter. In addition to providing increased air flow and superior efficiency, the pleated cartridges can replace old filters with no system modifications required.
X-600 High-temperature pleated cartridges

100 % metal top and end caps
Ultra-resistant aluminum sealing
Sealed stitching
Galvanized steel core
e-PTFE membrane
Fiberglass felt with type A phenolic resin
Heavy duty stainless steel bands

Please call us for further information:
Phone CH: +41 71 898 5700