Information, image, durability: printed plastics and packaging
Plastic is everywhere – in an infinite variety of shapes. Your industry is constantly changing and is very competitive. You depend on fast, smooth stencil making and particularly on an as cost effective as possible production process. You and your customer set great store on optimum quality.
With Sefar screen printing meshes you are able to provide extremely bright, durable colors and effects and use these for products and messages so that they stand out from the crowd and are notices. Your quick way to attractive goal: the wide range of attractively priced Sefar meshes, complemented by our comprehensive support.

Our offer. Your benefit:
Technology and quality of the world’s leading manufacturer
Wide product range for all requirements from stock
Innovative products providing maximum efficiency
Individual support for your printing projects
Lean, efficient production, in both stencil preparation and the printing process
Sustainability, safety and reliability of supply to the finished printed product
Local, world-wide cooperative partnerships with Sefar’s support teams
Clear increase in competiveness for your business