Function, message, design: Printed glass
Screen printing on glass is a fascinating but also demanding task. What other material is so adaptable and versatile? Precisely because of its great diversity glass requires a practical and efficient printing method for decoration and application of functional elements. Thanks to their high reproducibility and quality, Sefar screen printing meshes give you clear economic advantages. They facilitate and accelerate the production of stencils and optimize the printing process – precisely tailored to your needs and the demanding expectations of your customers. And always including: the expert advice and support of the worldwide Sefar support team.

© Glass Edition by Hundertwasser / ars mundi
Our offer. Your benefit:
Technology and quality of the world’s leading manufacturer
Wide product range for all requirements from stock
Innovative products providing maximum efficiency
Individual support for your printing projects
Lean, efficient production, in both stencil preparation and the printing process
Sustainability, safety and reliability of supply to the finished printed product
Local, world-wide cooperative partnerships with Sefar’s support teams
Increase the competitiveness of your business